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Announcement of the 8th ASEAPS Congress

November 7, 2018 2:20 am Warm greetings on behalf of Dr Mary Cardosa, the President of the Malaysian Association for the Study of Pain (MASP). The Association of Southeast Asian Pain Societies (ASEAPS) is a group of International Associations for the Study of Pain (IASP) Chapters from Southeast Asia. In 2019, our society MASP will be organizing the 8th ASEAPS Congress from 11-14... View Article

Newsletter from the Small Group Meeting of Wisdom Psychology 2018

April 25, 2018 9:03 pm Approved by the Asian Association of Social Psychology (AASP), the Small Group Meeting of Wisdom Psychology will be held from November 3rd to 4th, 2018 at Suiyuan Campus of Nanjing Normal University (No.122 Ninghai Road, Gulou District, Nanjing, China). The meeting is co-hosted by the School of Psychology, Nanjing Normal University and the Institute of... View Article

AASP Small Group Meeting MWP 2018

April 4, 2018 7:35 pm Wisdom Psychology 2018 (MWP 2018) Nanjing, China   Meeting Theme: Diversity in Wisdom: Insights from Psychology In the face of pressing issues such as global warming, economic recession, political unrest, and social inequality, the world requires more wisdom. However, despite 40 years of scientific research, what is wisdom, and how to cultivate wisdom, is still... View Article

AASP Social Media Survey

February 6, 2018 4:37 pm After the AASP conference in Auckland last year, some members of the executive committee initiated a discussion about how the AASP (and AJSP) could increase their presence on social media. We recognised early on in our discussions that we needed more information about AASP members’ social media behaviours and attitudes before we could go upon... View Article

New AJSP Editorial Team for 2018-2019

February 6, 2018 3:55 pm Susumu Yamaguchi completed his successful term as Editor-in-Chief of Asian Journal of Social Psychology (AJSP) last December 2017. The committee to search for the next Editor-in-Chief has recommended Allan B. I. Bernardo (University of Macau; Past President of AASP) to take over the editorship. The new Editor-in-Chief has decided to share chief editor duties with... View Article

AASP 12th Biennial Conference in Auckland (2017)

February 1, 2018 8:04 pm The 12th Conference of AASP was held at Massey University in Albany (on the North Shore of Auckland) August 26-28, 2017.  AASP’s “Summer” School was hosted there as well Aug 22-25 (it was actually a winter school as August is winter in the Southern hemisphere). The conference was attended by over 300 international delegates from... View Article

June 2017 Newsletter from the President

June 26, 2017 8:47 am Message from the President During the first half of 2017, AASP energies and resources were focused on preparing for the Biennial Conference to be held in Auckland, New Zealand in August 2017. Our members, including our student members, focused on preparing abstracts for the oral and poster presentations, and those whose abstracts were accepted are now busy finalizing their respective presentations.... View Article

December 2016 Newsletter from the President Allan B I Bernardo

January 2, 2017 11:15 am As 2016 comes to a close, I would like to take time to report on some of the recent activities that the AASP had undertaken for its members and target communities of social psychology scholars in Asia. Many of the activities of the AASP implemented during the second half of 2016 arose from discussions during... View Article