The main theme of the 13th biennial Asian Association of Social Psychology (AASP) conference in Taipei, Taiwan, July 11-13, 2019, is “Consolidating the future of Culture-Oriented Psychology: Progress and achievements”, and hosted by Academia Sinica (Prof. Yuh-Huey Chou, Prof. Kung-Hui Yeh, and Prof. Jen-Ho Chang), and National Taiwan University (Prof. Bor-Shiuan Cheng).
The 2019 AASP conference’s theme is based on the 3rd AASP conference, also hosted by Academia Sinica in 1999. In that year, the 3rd AASP conference started an inspired discussion among three main fields on Asian social psychology: the perspectives of cross-cultural psychology, cultural psychology, and indigenous psychology. These inspiring dialogues thereby contributed to a classic special issue of Asian Journal of Social Psychology in 2000 (Volume 3, Issue 3). Now, based on two decades of the research findings on Asian social psychology, in 2019 AASP, we have decided to make deep reflections on both theoretical and empirical developments, and hope to bring innovative integrations on different psychological perspectives in order to consolidate future directions Asian social psychology.
Featured keynote speakers for 2019 AASP’s conference include (1) Shinobu Kitayama, the Robert B. Zajonc Collegiate Professor at the University of Michigan, who just received the Outstanding Achievement Award for Advancing Cultural Psychology from the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP), and also serves the current editor of Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (JPSP), and the former editor of Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin (PSPB). (2) Michele J. Gelfand, the Distinguished Professor at University of Maryland, and also received the 2017 Outstanding International Psychologist Award from the American Psychological Association. (3) Kwang-Kuo Hwang, the Distinguished Professor at Kaohsiung Medical University and the Emeritus Professor at National Taiwan University, and also as the past president of AASP and AAICP (Asian Association of Indigenous and Cultural Psychology). More information on new keynote speaker will announce on future AASP newsletter.
The conference website is scheduled to be opened in this summer, and will have a first round “Call for Papers” in order to allow delegates who need early confirmation of paper or poster acceptances. In addition, we encourage delegates with creative plans such as cross-cutting theme in Asian social psychology, symposia, and workshops, and then work with conference organizers to contribute these plans to the fullest extent for 2019. Finally, a Summer School will take place just prior to the main conference as usual. Plans and schedules for the main programs of the 2019 AASP are now underway. After the final confirmation, we will announce the detail information in further AASP newsletter.