Moh Abdul Hakim, or Hakim, obtained PhD in Social and Political Psychology from Massey University, New Zealand. His research interests cover a broad spectrum of interplay between culture, leaderships, ideology, and political behaviours. Currently, Hakim works as a lecturer in the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Sebelas Maret in Indonesia and teaches Social Psychology, Indigenous Psychology, and Political Psychology. He was co-founder of the Indonesian Association of Indigenous and Cultural Psychology in 2013 that currently attracts more than 100 members. As a political psychologist, Hakim also regularly serves as a commentator and expert for local and national news media on various social and political issues in Indonesia. He believes that it is a responsibility of a scholar to not only develop knowledge but also serve to make better lives in society.

Selected Publication:

Journal Articles:

Carr, S. C., Hopner, V., Hakim, M. A., Hodgetts, D. J., Chamberlain, K., Nelson, N., … & Jones, H. (2021). Scaling the Security Staircase. Political Psychology, 42(4), 575-595.

Hakim, M. A., & Liu, J. H. (2021). Development, construct validity, and measurement invariance of the parasocial relationship with political figures (PSR-P) scale. International Perspectives in Psychology.

Hakim, M. A., & Mujahidah, D. R. (2020). Social context, interpersonal network, and identity dynamics: A social psychological case study of terrorist recidivism. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 23(1), 3-14.

Hakim, M. A., Liu, J. H., Isler, L., & Woodward, M. R. (2015). Monarchism, national identity and social representations of history in I ndonesia: Intersections of the local and national in the s ultanates of Yogyakarta and Surakarta. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 18(4), 259-269.


Yustisia, W., Ardi, R., & Hakim, M. A. (2021). Psikologi Politik [Bahasa Indonesia]. Jakarta: Penerbit Buku Kompas.