
Thipnapa has a Bachelor degree in Communication Arts from Chulalongkorn University, Thailand and a Master and a Doctoral degree in Applied Social Psychology from the School of Behavioral and Organizational Sciences, Claremont Graduate University, USA. She currently teaches courses on Research Methodology, Social Psychology, and Organization Development at the Department of Psychology, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand.

Research Interests

Social influence in consumer behaviors

Positive Leadership and team effectiveness

Mindset, performance, and well-being

Recent Publications

Kangwanpornchai, P., & Huansuriya, T. (2018). The development and validation of the mindset of ability scale. Bulletin of Suanprung, 34(3), 240-254.

Huansuriya, T, Siegel, J. T., & Crano, W. D. (2014). Parent-child drug communication: Pathway from parents’ ad exposure to youth’s marijuana use intention. Journal of Health Communication, 19, 244-259.

Huansuriya, T, Crano, W. D., & Laopoonpat, C. (2013). The development of Thai Alcohol Outcome Expectancies Scale. Journal of Health Research, 27, 271-280