AASP announces a MultiJournal Special Issue on Advancing the Interface between Research and Practice

AASP announces a MultiJournal Special Issue on Advancing the Interface between Research and Practice

July 28, 2023
AASP is happy to announce that it is participating in a MultiJournal Special Issue on Advancing the Interface between Research and Practice for Sustainable Development. ·Proposal for a MultiJournal Special…
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Episode 10 of AJSP Editors Podcast

Episode 10 of AJSP Editors Podcast

May 29, 2023
Episode 10 of the AJSP Editors podcast is now live! Among the papers published in the June 2023 issue of the journal, we selected the one about socioeconomic status and…
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International conference in Vietnam co-organized by AASP and VAP

International conference in Vietnam co-organized by AASP and VAP

April 10, 2023
Dear AASP Members, To promote Asian social psychology in the Asia-Pacific region, especially in under-represented countries, AASP is co-organizing an International Conference on Psychology and Education in the Context of…
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AASP Research Collaborative Meeting Series – Prof. Allan Bernardo

AASP Research Collaborative Meeting Series – Prof. Allan Bernardo

April 5, 2023
Dear AASP Members, I am pleased to announce the second collaborative meeting of AASP Research Collaborative Meeting Series to promote collaborations among Asian social psychologists and nurture young researchers. This…
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AASP Distinguished Seminar Series – Prof. Michael Minkov

AASP Distinguished Seminar Series – Prof. Michael Minkov

March 16, 2023
Dear AASP members, You are cordially invited to attend the Research Seminar by Prof. Michael Minkov on The Revised Minkov-Hofstede Model of Culture and Individual Cultural Components. Below are the details:…
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Episode 9 of AJSP Editors Podcast

Episode 9 of AJSP Editors Podcast

March 14, 2023
Episode 9 of the AJSP Editors podcast is now live! Among the papers published in the March 2023 issue of the journal, we selected the one about violence against doctors,…
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March 4, 2023
The Michael Harris Bond Award for Early Research Contributions Michael Harris Bond has worked in Asia for five decades, since 1971. To commemorate his many significant contributions to Asian social psychology,…
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AASP Distinguished Seminar Series – Prof. Krishna Savani

AASP Distinguished Seminar Series – Prof. Krishna Savani

February 8, 2023
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6th Episode of AJSP Editors Podcast

6th Episode of AJSP Editors Podcast

September 1, 2022
Episode 6 is now live!  The 6th episode of the AJSP Editors podcast is now live! Among the papers published in the June 2022 issue of the journal, we selected a…
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