Message from the President

During the first half of 2017, AASP energies and resources were focused on preparing for the Biennial Conference to be held in Auckland, New Zealand in August 2017. Our members, including our student members, focused on preparing abstracts for the oral and poster presentations, and those whose abstracts were accepted are now busy finalizing their respective presentations.

Some of our members were busy organizing symposia on various topics, some directly related to the 2017 conference theme of “Making a Difference with Social Science.” Of course, the busiest people are James Liu and his huge team of conference organizers who are organizing a very rich scientific program, with notable speakers giving keynote and plenary talks, while preparing for the AASP Summer School and attending to all the logistical arrangements, as
well. All indications suggest that the Auckland conference will be a truly exciting meeting of Asian social psychologists.

The rest of the newsletter is available at the following link:

June 2017 Newsletter from the President