Warm greetings on behalf of Dr Mary Cardosa, the President of the Malaysian Association for the Study of Pain (MASP).

The Association of Southeast Asian Pain Societies (ASEAPS) is a group of International Associations for the Study of Pain (IASP) Chapters from Southeast Asia. In 2019, our society MASP will be organizing the 8th ASEAPS Congress from 11-14 April 2019 in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.

The conference website is www.aseaps2019.com

The theme of our meeting is Building Collaborations In Pain Management which highlights the importance of multidisciplinary teams of healthcare professionals working together to improve the management of acute, chronic and cancer pain. Instead of working in silos, we should be breaking barriers and maximising the expertise of different healthcare providers to achieve synergy for better patient-centered outcomes. 

In our meeting, there will be sessions and workshops on Pain Education, Pain Management and Acute Pain amongst other pain topic. We believe that these topics will be of interest to you. 

We also welcome submission of abstracts for posters presentations from AASP members. Abstracts may be uploaded through the conference website; the closing date for submission is 15th December 2018.

Please find attached our conference flyer for your reference and use.


We look forward to having you join us in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia next year.


Thank you and have a great day.

Gannesh Krishenan / Pravitra Jeyaratnam / Dee Dee Quah
