Travel Grants: Application Reminder!

AASP is providing two types of Travel Grants – KS Yang Travel Award and Park Jung-heun & Jung Tae-gon Young Scholar Awards – to the deserving young scholars from economically developing countries/regions. This is a friendly reminder that the deadline for application is April 30, 2021.
Click here to see the application information and find out if you are qualified for the application!

* Please note that because the Seoul Conference will be held online, the winners will receive an exemption of their registration fees. 

Keynote Speakers of the AASP 2021 Seoul Conference

We proudly introduce our line-up of keynote speakers of the AASP 2021 Seoul Conference!

Daniel Bar-Tal

Tel Aviv University (Israel)

Why it is So Difficult to Resolve Peacefully Intractable Conflicts?

Michael Hogg

Claremont Graduate School (USA)

World in Crisis: Epistemic Threat, Self-Uncertainty, and Extremist Social Identities

James Liu

Massey University (New Zealand)

Collective Remembering of the United States and China: From the Fall of a Liberal System of Global Dominance to Economic Prospects for World Peace

Tatsuya Kameda

The University of Tokyo (Japan)

Reducing Variance or Helping the Worst-off? Behavioral and Neurocognitive Bases for Distributive Norms

Sylvia Chen

AASP President-elect

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
(Hong Kong)

In Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Contributions of Asian Social Psychologists