AASP 2021 Is Coming!
For the sake of the safety of our participants, the AASP 2021 conference will be held online (all sessions
inclusive). We will do our best to create a memorable event for all participants.
Early Bird Registration: Only Two Weeks Left!
Early Bird registration ends on June 1st, 2021. Register now to be eligible for the discounted registration fees. Please note that all presenters must register during the Early Bird registration period.
Click here to see the registration fees and policies.
Keynote Speakers of the AASP 2021 Seoul Conference

Daniel Bar-Tal
Tel Aviv University (Israel)
“Why it is So Difficult to Resolve Peacefully Intractable Conflicts?“

Michael Hogg
Claremont Graduate School (USA)
“World in Crisis: Epistemic Threat, Self-Uncertainty, and Extremist Social Identities“

James Liu
Massey University (New Zealand)
“Collective Remembering of the United States and China: From the Fall of a Liberal System of Global Dominance to Economic Prospects for World Peace“

Tatsuya Kameda
The University of Tokyo (Japan)
“Reducing Variance or Helping the Worst-off? Behavioral and Neurocognitive Bases for Distributive Norms“

Sylvia Chen
AASP President-elect
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
(Hong Kong)
“In Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Contributions of Asian Social Psychologists“
Keynote Speakers of AASP 2021 Seoul Conference

Gyuseog Han
Chonnam National University (Korea)
“Post Pandemic Self; Self-system of Psychological Turn for Sustainable Eco-system from a Korean Mentality”

Grit Hein
University of Würzburg (Germany)
“The Motivational Basis of Social Decision-Making“

Yuri Miyamoto
Hitotsubashi University (Japan)
“Perks (and Burdens) of Higher Social Status in Japan”

Ernestine Gordijn
University of Groningen (The Netherlands)
“The Role of Meta-stereotyping in Intergroup Relations”

Jacinth Tan
Singapore Management University (Singapore)
“Attunement Processes in Class-Based Dyadic Interaction: A Physiological Linkage Approach”

Giovanni A. Travaglino
University of Kent (U.K.)
“Towards a Psychology of Informal Political Relations: Understanding the Legitimization of Illegal Actors”

Mengyao Li
Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods (Germany)
“Understanding Radical Civil Resistance Under Repression: Evidence from Hong Kong and Chile“