Special issue on Growing the Growth Mindset in Asian Societies

Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology

The guest editors (Chi-yue Chiu, Vincci Chan, Venuse Lee, Jennifer Tong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Zhen Huang, Tsinghua University) welcome submissions to a special issue on growing the growth mindset in Asian societies.

Growth mindset refers to the belief that one can through effective effort improve on one’s valued attributes, including intelligence, sociability and morality. The 2008 PISA survey shows that across the globe, students who present the growth mindset have higher academic achievements and better psychological wellbeing than do those who do not. However, the PISA survey also showed that the percentages of students presenting the growth mindset were low in some Asian societies (Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, Macau). Moreover, the achievement and wellbeing benefits of presenting the growth mindset were not salient in these societies.

These results raised three questions that the current special issue will address:

  • Can Asian students benefit from having the growth mindset?
  • What are the cultural or societal obstacles to growing the growth mindset in Asian societies?
  • What can be done to overcome these obstacles?

This call extends a hearty welcome to submissions that address one of these three issues from a psychological perspective (e.g., educational and school psychology, social psychology, cultural and cross-cultural psychology).

Interested authors should submit a 2-page, single-spaced abstract to Chi-yue Chiu

 (cychiu@cuhk.edu.hk) by August 31, 2021. The abstract must present completed empirical work that addresses one of the three research issues listed above. The abstract should include: (1) a tentative title, (2) a theoretical background and purpose of the investigation, (3) the methods and principal results, and (4) the major conclusions. Citations are allowed, and references should be listed on a separate page.

Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology (JPRP) has gone beyond its original regional focus, and papers from all areas of the world are welcome for the special issue. JPRP is an open access journal and the article processing charges will be waived for authors.

Anticipated timeline:

  • August 31, 2021: Deadline for submitting a 2-page abstract for each paper via email to the guest editor (Chi-Yue Chiu; email: cychiu@cuhk.edu.hk).
  • September 30, 2021: Invitation for submission of full paper.
  • March 15, 2022: Deadline for the full papers.
  • May 15, 2022: First editorial decision with “reject” or “revise & resubmit.”
  • June 30, 2022: Deadline for the revision.
  • July-August, 2022: Further revision and final editorial decision.
  • Fall, 2022: Publication of the special issue.

 We look forward to your contribution!

Special issue Guest Editors

Chi-yue Chiu
Vincci Chan
Venus Lee
Jennifer Tong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Zhen Huang
Tsinghua University